Quality and ecology
RENOST Company, Ltd. was certified according to ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001:2004 on June 30, 2006, later on Renost got recertified under ISO 9001:2008. Even though Renost has not continued in the certifications since 2010, it remains applying the Quality Management Systems and Environment.
Quality Policy and Environment
The main focus of Renost Company, Ltd. is the production of central-locking and plastic castors on furniture, hand trucks, containers, wheelbarrows – to name a few, with a commitment to further the organization development, constant quality products’ enhancement to achieve both-sided satisfaction in a way of expected and anticipated customer needs and enactment demands fulfillment.
Renost accepts responsibility for the environment protection in connection with its business activities in the production of central-locking and plastic castors. The Company recognizes one of the most essential priorities - the need to constantly improve environmental management.
To meet this commitment, Renost dedicates to fulfill the following rules of Quality Policy and Environmental management system:
Our primary objective is to satisfy customer's needs and expectations. To improve quality and range of our services, we precisely translate the current and future customer requirements and legislature into the new needed adjustments.
Our main commitment is to fulfill the legal and other obligations to which Renost is subject to, while protecting environment in all aspects. In regard to maintain and reinforce our position among the Slovak companies producing central-locking and plastic castors, we use an active approach of high-quality work in all levels of the organization. We believe the responsible attitude of our employees should guarantee even greater promotion of our brand.
Our current and future investments will be directed into effective and efficient fields of modern technologies, reliable control methods and targeted staff training to increase the quality of Human Resources. We intend to raise the potential of our Company when deepening the motivating factors of all our employees to augment their knowledge, professional skills and services. Moreover, we will ensure to create awareness to act environmentally friendly and responsibly.
To achieve the highest possible level of product quality, we will pay close and detailed attention to a happy and functional working environment and good relations with our business partners.
The established principles of our environmental policy are adequately reinforced within our Company. Additionally, we require the same from our business partners.
We will always continue to provide our customers with professional and technical assistance for the optimal and correct use of our products.
One of our priorities is to prevent disagreements at all levels of the Organization and in the fulfillment of its activities.
We put the prevention above the follow-up and continuous improvements of the environment.
We will remain meeting the requirements of ISO 9001:2008, so that we continually advance the efficient system management and environment.
For all current and planned activities and service innovations we apply constant effort to reduce pollution.
We operate safely and environmentally friendly with hazardous waste. Effective and efficient usage of water, energy and raw resources reduces their consumption. Preparedness and prevention of emergency situations are prevented. If there are, we proceed under emergency plans to ensure minimization of negative impacts on the environment.
Ing. Šanoba Vincent
Ruzomberok, June 6th, 2009